Friday, January 8, 2010

Does anyone out here know what other beauty products other than evon and marykay to invest?

in and has same benefits as Marykay?Does anyone out here know what other beauty products other than evon and marykay to invest?
Unilever which makes Dove has a decent dividend. Not sure what benefits you are looking for. MaryKay Cadilacs?Does anyone out here know what other beauty products other than evon and marykay to invest?

In my opinion, the best kind of home business is one where you don't have to invest any money. I wasted thousands of dollars buying into all kinds of home businesses including MLM and Internet franchises.

I was about to give up when I found a website that finally gave me the businesses I was looking for. The company is called Keep Clicking. Basicially, they have a big list of companies that have products. They allow me to promote these products/services and I receive a set fee for each product that I sell (or lead that I generate). I didn't pay any money to join (They actually pay you $10 to join, but only give it to you when you get $50 in your account. It took me a month, so I got the $10 then).

This allows me to have a full business with no inventory. The best part is, a lot of these offers are free trials, so I get people to sign up for about $4 (for shipping), an I get about $17! It doesn't matter if people cancel there subscriptions, I still get paid anyway. I get paid monthly by check.

Here's the link:

Good Luck!
One thing I do like about Mary Kay that most other business don't have is their mottos and philosophies which include not talking down someone else's business (ie Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...) It's a kind of intangible benefit. :)
Try this Isagenix product. I use it and love it.



http://www.BuildingOnlineBusinessSuccess鈥?/a> or try out your own and sell them
Melaleuca is a wellness company that has a great beauty line! Click on the link in my profile for more info on how to become an Independent Marketing Executive.
Stanley Home Products has a line of cosmetics, as well as the traditional cleaners, brushes, etc.

Read my profile and contact me. I will share my story and offer some advice.
arbonne. very healthy for your skin. (:

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