Friday, January 8, 2010

If this election reallly were a beauty contest, do you think McCain would have lost by a landslide?

Voters should definitely vote on issues first. However, standing side by side, McCain is definitely not the most handsome candidate. If this election was based putely on beauty and looks, wouldn't McCain lose? and badly?If this election reallly were a beauty contest, do you think McCain would have lost by a landslide?
Unless it was a beauty contest at the local retirement homeIf this election reallly were a beauty contest, do you think McCain would have lost by a landslide?
Obviously Obama would win a beauty contest with McCain. But if it was an integrity contest, Obama would probably get only one vote, and that only if Michelle was allow to vote.
I saw a picture of McCain when he was young, and he was actually very handsome. And I don't think Obama is that good looking. In terms of beauty, Hillary would definately beat both of them.
Obama gonna whip McCain with a Bush.
';If this election reallly were a beauty contest, do you think McCain would have lost by a landslide?';

YES!! That's one thing in Obama's favor.

But thank God it will be the other way around.
Can't believe you find the guy with those willow arms why if you put a feather in his nose he could fly
lol yes i mean look at that one side of the cheek that droops to the other side like a sad puppy
I disagree.
I don't find Obama handsome. Cindy would win over Michelle for sure.
It's not his fault he had skin cancer.
stupid shallow question.

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