Friday, January 8, 2010

If you had to choose between beauty or intellegence what would you choose?

I would always choose intellegence over beauty, how about you?If you had to choose between beauty or intellegence what would you choose?
Intelligence lasts longer than beauty.If you had to choose between beauty or intellegence what would you choose?
With beauty you will get no where in life, eevn if someone said, wow you are so beautiful and gets a modelling agnecy, without intelligence,you wouldnt know how to model! With intelligence I could gain beauty, inner beauty, and then learn beauty tips with my intelligence. So i would choose intelligence.
both...iam am greedy
Well, it's not that I picked it, but God gave more intelligence than beauty. That said, I'm smart enough to know what looks best on me and how to present myself with confidence. Intelligence all the way!
It would depend on what you are seeking ... if you're seeking to attract someone and get at least an opening, a way to break the ice then you don't want to put them off with bad clothes, hair, grimy teeth ... you want to be attractive.

I tend to think that everyone is intelligent, just each in their own way. A surfer knows surfing, a musician is no rocket scientist but can be a brilliant musician.

Therefore, If you want to have compatibility and a long term relationship then you need to have similar interests and knowledge of similar things. But even brilliant musicians may need something to draw them in ... right?
id rather be pretty cuz ppl dont want to get 2 kno u on the inside if u look all jacked up on the outside ( =
Intelligence, because brains come over beauty. Whats the point of talking to someone if they have nothing to talk about, but beauty. Beauty will get boring after a while, but brains will always last. Its always great to have both, though!
Well, I'm an airhead now so I'll just stick with that! lol
For myself: beauty, for my partner: intelligence- simply because its much easier for a woman to get by on her looks than it is for a man. Luckily, I have both so I have an equal perspective on the value of beauty and intelligence. On the other hand, beauty is in the eye of the beholder- so intelligence will probably be of greater benefit over the course of a lifetime. With intelligence, one is able to rationalize and look past appearances to enjoy the pleasures in life. A dumb beauty may not be as keen to appreciating these simple life pleasures, but will have the admiration of others who do enjoy the beautiful things in life.

Though I am fortunate to have both!

(and yes, I am a self-centered, egotistical ******... lol)
as a friend...intelligence

as a

bonus if you get both!
those with beauty sometimes get exceptional breaks - like vanna white - you don't need brains to turn the lighted square for $1,000,000 a year
Hey, I remember answering the same question a while ago!

I believe that it is a lot easier to get around in the society if you are pretty. With brains, it is easier to gain respect and it is easier to make money. This would be important in its own right. And as a society we definitely need more intelligent people, yet neither one is pleasing to me without a pure heart. With this said, smarter people tend to have a clearer picture what to do and what not to do. Therefore they are less prone to be morally corrupt. Personally, I'd definitely wished that I was a little smarter. I never wished that I had better looks, though.
Intellegence cause beauty can be bought now-a-days!
I'm taking intelligence
Intelligence for sure. Beauty is temporary. We all get old and wrinkly in time. Intelligence lasts for years beyond beauty.

I'd rather date a nice intelligent man than an average handsome one. But that's just me.
Intelligence, but I'd want some balance of the two. More brains than looks, but I want to be attractive enough for my dog to play with me.
intellegence. I hate being around pretty girls who are idiots.

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