Saturday, December 26, 2009

At what age do you think women start losing their beauty?

Spoken from a woman who used to model and was considered very beautiful, I can tell you that truthfully I started seeing a few lines on my forehead at 45. A few years later, once premenaupause started, I noted it was really hard to keep slim like when I was younger. No more lines on the face, but I'm a little chubby now. Of course, I don't care. I'm a grandmother and a foster care mother.

Don't want to look like a teeny bopper anymore.

Still, men don't realize how very lucky they are.

No hormone problems, no child bearing years, no problem with huge mammaries and gravity. Lets face it, no one stays beautiful forever. But as the beauty slowly fades from the face, inner beauty can shine through and people will see what was hopefully there all along, see past the facade to the real woman.

CricketteAt what age do you think women start losing their beauty?
Well, if you're talking about beauty from a perspective of sexually nubile, pedophiles say ';eight is too late';. Children crinkle their noses at women old enough to ';bleed from between their legs';. Most teenagers gag at women in their thirties who aren't anorexic or bulimic. Many men run away in terror from women old enough to have stretchmarks from pregnancy. Some people are disgusted by menopausal women who DON'T ';bleed from between their legs'; anymore. And, a few weirdos wouldn't touch women with a ten foot pole who have had a hysterectomy and have ';dead-end'; vaginas. Personally, I don't think a woman is beautiful until she's old enough to toss her breasts over her shoulders. You were talking about ';physical'; beauty, weren't you?At what age do you think women start losing their beauty?
As soon as they become bitter.

For the ones who don't let bitterness ruin their lives, they stay beautiful forever.

Though looking at another answer, because I'm over 30, I must look hideous.
It depends greatly on the woman.

Some women never lose it.

Some women never had it to begin with.

I recall what I am told is a Chinese proverb, though I cannot track it down at the moment:

A pretty girl is an accident; A beautiful woman is her own creation.


Shivers, I think you're beautiful, inside and out.
Later than men lose theirs. Date younger men, ladies! No paunch! All their hair! No back and ear hair! Fewer insecurities. More stamina! You'll never go back!
Interior beauty is the most precious of all, and it never ages !!!
Thats a bit like asking ';at what age do men start to go bald?'; - but genetics are primarily responsible.

Physical attractiveness generally? Too many variables - the above plus premature ageing due to to much time spent in the sun, smoking, nutrition, substance/alcohol abuse,'s a long list.

Same thing, of course, applies to men.
Aging doesn't cause the loss of beauty; beauty changes as it ages.

Bad habits cause loss of beauty, specifically smoking and tanning.
Women never lose their beauty, after all true beauty is ageless.
Never. Never, ever.
Depends on their genes. Usually around 35-40. Hispanic and Black women age slower for some reason so for them its like 40-45.
When they quit feeling sexy about themselves!

';Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty- they merely move it from their faces into their hearts'; Martin Buxbaum

PS Tracey I know- )
Depends on the age at which beauty was first acquired.
Never. True beauty is on the inside.
All ages are beautiful in women and men. How can one say that spring is any more stunning then autumn.

Life cycles are just that and beauty is a social construct that idealizes youth and dismisses the elderly.

Ironic but at one time it was the other way around.
The moment they think they are losing their beauty
30+ for most. Thumb me down I don't care.
true beauty relies on bone structure, and you don't lose that.

prettiness is what fades with age.

have you seen any recent photos of brigitte bardot?

she has not aged well at all.

it really depends on having good genes.
I have no idea. I think that it really depends on how well you live your life. For someone who is overindulging in all kinds of vices their entire life, physical beauty will fade away pretty early ( my guess will be in their early 20ies ). However, if you live a clean life, enjoy everything you do and take good care of your body and soul, you can stay pretty attractive for the rest of your life. I had seen a gorgeous 87 yo lady: her smile used to light up the room. I also know some pretty ugly individuals in their 20ies and 30ies. To me self centered individual with no passing thought about people who love him / her is disgusting. However, it is only my personal opinion.

BTW, I am 41 and still a model.
never, never losing beauty. just change into different form of beauty. That is life.
probably a few days after death. they start getting a bit mottled %26amp; puffy, and they just don't have that sparkle anymore.
By age 30.

After age 30 they're fugly.
Their looks decline around 30+


Hmm, lots of thumbs down I see. I guess I just offended a lot of 30+ women. LOL
  • zits
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