Saturday, December 26, 2009

How would the parents (King and Queen) of Sleeping Beauty be known as a stock character?

KING SLUMBER AND QUEEN DROWSY. LOLHow would the parents (King and Queen) of Sleeping Beauty be known as a stock character?
From wikipedia: A stock character is one which relies heavily on cultural types or names for their personality, manner of speech, and other characteristics. In their most general form, stock characters are related to literary archetypes, but they are often more narrowly defined. Stock characters are a key component of genre fiction, providing relationships and interactions that people familiar with the genre will recognize immediately. Stock characters make easy targets for parody, which will likely exaggerate any stereotypes associated with these characters.

Therefore, I would say because they do not have any quirks, or defining characteristics that separate them from the archetype of ';fairytale king and queen'; they are stock characters. The queen is not interested in building a flying machine, the king is not obsessed with collecting rare statues, etc. They are just ';king and queen.'; You would know how they look and act even without reading the story. The king is just and serious about ruling his kingdom well, the queen is beautiful and kind....etc.

I hope this helps

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