Sunday, April 25, 2010

If beauty is only skin deep, why do people go for looks rather than brains?

When someone wants to be in a relationship why is it that most people are only attracted to how someone looks?

When someone male or female wants to hook up with someone it always seems, that these days they judge the other person by what they look like, whether they are really pretty or just average, fat, thin, or average build. I just want to understand why guys mostly can't except and want to be with that person because of who they are not what they look like. What is on the inside not on the outside.If beauty is only skin deep, why do people go for looks rather than brains?
I think you're tarnishing them all with the same brush cause of media and what you read etc.

Go into town some day and just look around for a while and you will see that there's people all shapes and sizes with each other and most of the time good looking people get together with each other cause they suit each other, in the looks department anyway.

Its very seldom really that an ugly guy is with a beauty and vice versa and if it happens..people are ususally saying whats she doing with him etc.

I'm sure all guys dream of this perfect size whatever with a fantastic face a great body but so do women...I know I do every night...lolIf beauty is only skin deep, why do people go for looks rather than brains?
I don't think it's so much 'brains' people look for as opposed to 'personality'.

How someone looks is fairly irrelevant to how attractive someone is. Of course everyone wants to be with someone attractive, but what people find attractive varies.

e.g. I've been out with a succession of guys with receding hairlines that were definitely not stereotypically 'hot', but they each had something about them that make them attractive to me.

My friend always goes out with very pretty, 'hot' guys - and I just don't find them attractive. For some reason I always see them as kind of fake looking....

A lot of the time whether you like someone's personality will affect how attracted you are to them, if they have a great personality you can find yourself finding them more attractive.
It's not so black and white - there are people who are thin, beautiful AND clever. There are people who are fat, ugly and DONT have any brains - as well as a combination of all of these things. Since time began, people judge others on what they look like - it's just the way it is. Women want to be with a man they find attractive and men want to be with a woman they find attractive - you want to be proud of that person to look at and what is inside. It's all about find the right person for you.
As a guy I can honestly tell you, when a man meets a woman he decides right away if he wants to sleep with her. The first thing you notice is looks, that's just the way it is. Most men would like both for a long term relationship' Men have less of a problem seperating sex from a relationship, but the older a man gets the less looks and sex satisfy, they look more for brains and compatability.
Just because someone has gone for a girl/guy they're attracted to, doesn't necessarily mean their not also interested in someone's personality. Remember that we're thinking beings but we also have physical desires (it's in our genes). There's nothing wrong with that- you don't have to put such a negative spin on it.

Would you go out with a fat, hairy, smelly bloke with B.O. and a face full of burst capillaries? I think not. How shallow you are...
i totally agree hun!! ppl are so superficial these days and its disgusting tht ppl cant just accept other ppl for who they are regardless of race, size, age, looks etc..... my way of thinking is tht those ppl arent worth my time xxx
Becase of this. What else, really?…

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