Monday, December 14, 2009

Do you think the media is dostorting peoples views of true beauty?

Our Vision of beauty is distorted by makeup and photoshop. Kids think there fat or ugly because they want to reach this unobtainable bueaty that they put in magazines and pretty much everywhere else. If a 13 year old kid can see this people need to see it. Also adding the fact that it really dosn't matter what someone looks like it's what's on the inside. But no one seems to believe that anymore.Do you think the media is dostorting peoples views of true beauty?
I know, so many people say it but they don't truly believe it. So many celebrities are so flawlessly gorgeous. The anorexic teens out there are actually influencing kids to loose as many pounds as possible as unhealthily as possible. If you want to shave off a couple pounds, cool. If you obsess about it and put off a hearty meal, your body will beg for food. You need to eat healthily and exercise healthily, because there's actually this exercise anorexica, which is overdoing your workout. A good get-healthy plan would be, for a teenager, to work out four days a week. They wouldn't have to go to the gym, that gets expensive. They can just bike, walk around with friends, and swim. So many items are out now that are healthy and delicious. I love Wheat Thins for a snack and they are quite healthy. For breakfast, I usually have Cinammon Toast Crunch. Lunch is usually a quick turkey sandwich or on the weekends, whole wheat tortillas and tomato salmon fillets. I love rice, chicken, and a crisp salad for dinner. A midnight snack, milk and a raisin cookie. That is my one comfort zone, but that's it. You have to know that sometimes you have to treat yourself. People should just keep in mind anorexia and trusting every single word of the media, is the worst action you can take.Do you think the media is dostorting peoples views of true beauty?
yeah,i think they do.All people see are anorexic looking movie stars and models,so that is why people think they need to look like them.i think people should know that isn't normal and shouldn't blame other peolpe for bocoming anorexic just cuz thats whats in.
yes definitely. some kids ruin their life because they want to be perfect. but the real fact is that no one really is. they definitely do use the computer things that hide blemishes. those systems could take years of your face or pounds off your body. its really sad that kids are getting lost in the world of skin.
I think it does distort the concept of beauty to a degree, but parents/teachers should teach kids about how to distinguish info from the media and commercials from facts from their own life. This is important because the media isn't going to stop showing their version of beauty anytime soon, so we should come up with strategies so kids can look at these images critically and analyze them.
Someone has to set the standards...

I wouldn't want my child walking around thinking they're sexy when they weigh 300 lbs, it's unrealistic.
Yes most definitely espically since i know someone 13 and they think there too fat! ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!
i definitely agree with you. beauty has to start from the inside.
Absolutely! Kids these days think they are ';fat'; if they are bigger than a size 2 - Take Elitist for example- she brags about how she can go days without eating, in fact, her answer to this question says something about how she'd rather have her kids skinny than fat - her perception has definitely been distorted by the media - and she'll be lucky to live into her 30's the way she looks at beauty - poor girl needs counseling for anorexia!
  • beauty tips
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