Thursday, December 17, 2009

If you feel a desire for beauty, do you see anything wrong in it?

The mind says the woman is beautiful -- and if you feel a desire for beauty, should you feel it is wrong? If you feel a desire for ugliness, I feel then something is wrong with you.

If a beautiful woman passes by a mirror, it will also reflect the beautiful woman. Is the mirror impure? Mind is also a mirror, which reflects beauty, is then mind impure?If you feel a desire for beauty, do you see anything wrong in it?
depends on your definition of beauty.

anyone with some experience will tell you that when you first see someone, all you have to go on is their physical appearance, but as you get to know them, their inner beauty (or lack thereof) effects how beautiful they are perceived to be.

the mind is not a mirror, blindly reflecting things. the mind interprets and augments, brining in past experience and Will.If you feel a desire for beauty, do you see anything wrong in it?
One may desire anything; nothing wrong in it.The point is ,is the desired object available to you?What are the means you adopt to get it?That is where the problem arises.
Beauty is the realization of the transcendentals of truth and goodness in a form that can be apprehended and appreciated by the senses. It is is natural to desire the beautiful, but such a desire must be ordered by love-- which is willing the good of the other as other and not as an extension of one's ego driven needs.
i donot what you are hinting at. there will be noone who will say there is anything wrong in desiring beauty. maybe you are linking beauty with immoral sex.
If by a desire for beauty, you mean that you want to look your best, be physically fit, and dress to accentuate yourself, I think that is normal. If you desire to look and be like someone else, you are heading down a road to disaster.

There are many reasons the mind looks for beauty, beauty in yourself and other people, and I would call none of those reasons impure. But sometimes you can focus on unreasonable desires and this can be unhealthy.

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