Monday, December 14, 2009

What is your definition of beauty?

The media bombards us with images of skinny supermodels and this has generally created stereotypes for what people view as beautiful. What is beauty to you? Is your definition of beauty tainted by society's image of what ';beautiful'; is?What is your definition of beauty?

I think it better to symbolise beauty with a circle - it seems far more potent - the unidivided natural harmony of the Oneness of the universe described by an unending symbol.

no i don't think i'm tainted by social norms I think those who are would talk of physical attractiveness and the beauty of people when asked about beauty! You gotta 'step outside' in order to eqaute it to natural harmony.What is your definition of beauty?
I think most of the women today,think that being trashy is beautiful.Take my sister for example,she wears so much make up and her clothes always make her looks trashy.To be honest I think she would look better with less make up,and clothes that didn't make her look like a colorful clown.There was one time I even thought she looked way better with her glasses,but she said that she would refuse to wear them out in public again,now my sister has contacts instead,which,by the way make her look worse.My definition of beauty is someone who has healthy hair,does not wear revealing clothes,is a kind sweet person,and is not bitter on the inside.
beauty to me is intelligence, not in the human mind, but beyond that. intricacy is beautiful! Real power without corruption is beautiful. nature is beautiful, both aesthetically and intellectually. The nature of existence is beautiful. something that is beautiful does not need to be changed, and therefore is perfect. everything that happens and is comes from the nature of existence, which is perfect, and therefore beautiful.
It's a cliche but ';beauty is in the eye of the beholder';

It is totally subjective and, I think, hugely dependent on cultural conditioning. For instance (and please correct me if I am wrong) I understand that in large parts of Africa a larger woman is thought to be most attractive, in the west we have been conditioned to think that slim (sometimes to the extreme) is most attractive.

Beauty is whatever you think it is.
Beauty is the type of attraction that engages the entire being. My judgement as to whether something or somebody is beautiful is influenced by society, but more importantly by my past experiences. Handsome is as handsome does, and the mind goes out to those things that it expects pleasure from.
Beautiful to me is someone who, of course is a beautiful soul, and is full of grace and balance. You could have horrible hair and skin but if you can into a room well balanced and graceful then you're going to get a second glance.

In males, I fall in love through acts of kindness. If I see some teenage guy playing soccer with his little brother there's a good chance I just met prince charming.
I never judge a book by its cover, why would I do that for a complex entity. To me beauty is something that inspires within, not how it appears by my fallible senses. But then I don't live in your world and I ignore all attempts to educate my desires. :)

Practicing Shaman.. quantum physics rocks.
My personal definition? My ex-girlfriend. She had the most exotic eyes I had ever seen, and I am completely infatuated with her. She is all I think about, I am completely addicted to her. She is my beauty.
beauty is different for everyone.

beauty to you, is what you decide it is.

in beauty theres is no right or wrong, no reality.

only perception.
a truly beautiful person is one who makes you feel good about yourself. they make you feel important and special. when you meet a person like this, physical appearance is just so unimportant.
A beautiful person is one that envokes a feeling of pleasantness in the people that they interact with. Pleasantness can range from the exterior features to the inner soul.
Beauty to me, is a Pure Heart, Unconditional Love, and a Passion for Life and Everything it has to offer!!
beauty is something that a attract your senses, it could attract your eyes (outer beauty), your ears ( beautiful voice), ......... etc, or it could touch your heart ( by the great personality and morals).
Beauty is someone who could make you stare at them all day without having to look trashy.

Any girl can make her butt look big and wear low-cut shirts. It takes a real girl to just be beautiful.
Anything that pleases you whether physically, emotionally or visually.

freely given

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