Thursday, December 17, 2009

Which is more important in a sustainable relationship and why: physical or inner beauty?

Inner beauty, of course. You might love the way someone looks, but over time a man might bald, get a pot belly. A woman will get wrinkles, lose her youthfulness. I think it's truly beautiful to see couples that have been married for 20 or 30 years and see their partners as they once were. Looks fade, but genuine love, caring, and the need for the other does not.Which is more important in a sustainable relationship and why: physical or inner beauty?
Inner beauty because the physical part is actually intensified when you are attracted to someone in a more deeper level.

To the girl who called us all double-faced (see below), while you are right about outter beauty being something that initiates a relationship, if you read the question it says what is more important in sustaining a relationship. You even make this point in your answer, so why you gotta hate on everyone else?Which is more important in a sustainable relationship and why: physical or inner beauty?
you said sustainable.

so do you think physical beauty is sustainable or inner beauty?

definitely inner beauty.

yes, physical beauty attracts initially, but subsequently it's inner beauty that keeps one hanging around.

moreover, you'll never know when you're going to lose your physical beauty. inner beauty, however, stays with you throughout your life.
be your self
I think this is a slightly loaded question. I think initially most people are attracted to the outer beauty, but it's inner beauty that determines whether the 2 are compatible.

I personally don't think beauty has anything to do with relationships. After going through several relationships that were based on looks and then later on, emotions, I later discovered it's RESPECT that is important in a sustainable relationship. If you respect each other in what they say or do and WANT to do things for them, the more I think the relationship lasts. Now that doesn't mean you should EXPECT to be respected, it's something that both of you EARN. If you find yourself constantly disappointed, then you need to ask yourself, if this person is right for you.
surely it is inner beauty.physical relation ship is complimentary to inner love.
Inner beauty is so much more deeper than physical .Physical beauty is a plus if you find someone that has both. Inner beauty -more from the heart.Physical beauty -skin ......both a big plus.
ofcourse inner beauty. if u have inner beauty then u can enjoy physical beauty no matter how ugly is the thing..
I say a bit of both, you need inner beauty, but physical beauty can also help in sustaining a relationship, not on its own, but along side inner beauty.
dare i say outer, Why do people stray because they dont like what they see. people Change all the time so inner beauty can change too if you have a little hottie you wont stray
Physical may help bring the two together but it is the inner that keeps them together. Physical may diminish with age or whatever tragic thing that could happen but if you have the inner beauty, the loss of physical beauty will not matter. Looks shouldn't be the glue of a relationship. Looks are the magnet that pull you together...inner is the super glue that binds you forever. lol
The inner beauty wins out! the reason i say this is that we will age in due time and gravity plays on us, if a person loves a person because of outward beauty then with aging that person will find some else to have that outward beauty again, but if its from the inside that person will be there. some of us are always after that youth, good looks and all the rest, it will fade away, the skin will become wrinkled and things will sag. lol
Depends one may consider sincerity and trust to be most important. Physical is what the eye sees' inner beauty is what one may want to beleive. Your judgement would be far mor accurate in such a situation. Sorry it really is as you see it.
OUTER beauty when given a beautiful personality, yes, that'd be my first choice. However, the reality is that, INNER beauty is the best. After all the crap, you still have the best for the last.

I have dated a guy who is stunning but his personality, I won't even buy for $1. Nothing can equate to INNER beauty, and when you find that, please hold on to it with all your life.
Well in a way both are in some ways. I know what your probably thinking, but hear me out. I mean obviously inner beauty is more important but , being attracted to someone is also quite important too. I mean of course the first thing you should be concerned about in someone is personality but being attracted to someone is key. because when your in a relationship you dont want to be with someone who makes you feel sick lol! But remeber everyone is beautiful in their own way, and what one person may see as a flaw someone may see a beauty. Everyone is different and everyone has different thoughts and opinions, so dont let anybody but yourself influence you in anyway. Be with someone for LOVE!!! :]

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Inner Beauty for sure, because you could be the most beautiful person in the world, but if your attitude is horrendous, I will kick you to the curb. That's just me though.
inner beauty, by far. while you do need to be somewhat physically attracted to them, if there's nothing behind it, you have nothing. you could easily become bored with them b/c there's not substance and/or they could be just plain rude %26amp; thoughtless. there are so many things in a relationship that depend upon a person's personality, humor, intelligence, and general social skills. so definitely - inner beauty is more important. it's true.
There always has to be an healthy balance.
Inner beauty of course. The physical tends to fade. Physical beauty may be what draws you in, but the inner beauty is what keeps you there...
All this 'inner beauty' stuff is a load of old tosh spouted by philosophical counsellor wasters. It's physical that causes attraction. End of.
Inner beauty. Physical beauty will fade with time but the person will always be the same inside.

Course - you have to be able to look at the person so a certain degree of physical beauty is important.
what's important, is how YOU see your partner, and that YOU see them as beautiful, inside and out, no matter how the WORLD see's them, it's how you see them, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Ask any women, and she will tell you, that she wants her man to think she is beautiful, if she said no, she would be lying really bad, and as women, do we really think we're gorgeous? most likely not !!!!!!! in a perfect world I would look in the mirror and say..';hey there beautiful'; but I don't.

I am not butt ugly,hey,,and if I so happen to be with a man, who thinks I am ugly, when the world thinks I am pretty, you will feel ugly, you will feel unloved, ignored, sad.....

it's the hard truth...

even Shrek found his true love,then why can't I be with someone who thinks I am beautiful, even if I am not?

How do you think it would make someone feel, if you dated them only for their inner beauty,because they were nice, or easy, but we not physically attracted to them, and you had to live with them constantly looking at other women, because you weren't their type? wouldn't that hurt like hell????

but, with true love, you always think they're beautiful, inside and out, it's just how your eyes see them, so what really matters here to sustain a relationship is simply true love.
Let me be frank with you, People here who right away answer inner beauty are double faced. They would say inner beauty but when looking they'll be the first ones to look for outer beauty, plus who would not want a moral, honest and a true partner(characteristics of inner beauty)? here what i mean to say is that no matter what people look for both, atleast initially. outer beauty then fades away in due course of time but by that time you've ended up loving that person anyway, so , it doesnt matter. it will then matter how that person is on the inside. well some people might, very few who give consideration to just inner beauty may not pay attention to how a person looks from the outside, but such people are very few, then again let us not classify people into the black or white category meaning that there are not just 2 sides only.there are people who might like having someone beautiful but might be more concerned about them having inner beauty, then there are some who purely go for looks.well just as there are no ugly and beautiful people out there(internally as well as externally)....its usually a mixture...some having more of one thing than the other...others having both but in varying proportions. To make it simpler it just means that in general many people look forward to some form of outer beauty but wouldnt wanna forgo inner beauty at all.
Inner for sure! I have found myself extremely attracted to men who weren't amazing looking per say on the outside but had great personalities and good solid hearts :)
Obviously inner. You can CREATE physical beauty on the outside, there are many means for that, but inner beauty (although I hate calling it that) is a value you need from the start.
Physical beauty is a depreciating asset while inner beauty is a nebulous concept. As time goes on physical beauty will likely decrease due to its status as a depreciating asset. However, since humanity as a whole is unable to agree on what 'inner beauty' is, we don't know what happens to it as time goes on.

Therefore we can determine only that physical beauty is not a valid standard to use determining the sustainability of a relationship.
i really think that if its a long relationship ..there is no real answer to this .... the physical blends into nothing and the inner self comes out more ..... now as i see it the only time you'd have to ask this is / 1 of 2 reasons ... 1 one of you no longer looks at the other with the same eyes .. ie someones put weight on , or lost there hair ... or 2 one of you feels that there lacking something that they used to have , and that affecting things ... BUT like i said . in a long term relationship neither of these questions should really matter ...
Inner beauty, because external appearance is transitory. However, if there was a big issue with something, it would be dishonest to pretend there wasn't, and that would lead to distance. In that case, it would be important to work on yourself to reduce the issue.

I have a big problem with certain articles of clothing which amounts to a genuine phobia. I don't discuss this with my wife, who wears them, because it's not her problem. Maybe there could be a similar approach with other issues of physical appearance. I work on this and it isn't a huge issue for me with her.
its first the physical then the inner... u know what? its both....
Well, just be a nice person and look after yourself. I mean big is not beautiful and it is also bad for you health.
This is a hard question...I could lie and say physical beauty means nothing but it does. I wouldnt be able to date someone I wasnt physically attracted to...I've been in a relationship for a year and a half with the most gorgeous man I know. Not only is he great looking, but very kind and sweet. He has it all. I wouldnt be able to date a good looking man that was a jerk (been there, done that) but I wouldnt be able to date a ';nice guy'; that I didnt find attractive.

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