Monday, December 14, 2009

Why did McCain criticize Obama's celebrity then picks a beauty pageant queen?

Jealousy at first then hypocricy as usual?Why did McCain criticize Obama's celebrity then picks a beauty pageant queen?
The rationale behind that choice is the same one that led to the 5-year long occupation of Iraq --oil.

Please read about Alaska's estimated 12 billion barrels of oil, Palin's involvement with the oil industry and her plans for drilling and destroying the ANWR.

Why did McCain criticize Obama's celebrity then picks a beauty pageant queen?
Mccain never criticized Obama for being a celebrity since there's nothing wrong with being a celebrity or for that matter a beauty contestant. What Mccain did is acknowleged Obama's celebrity status ( which is useful when running for office) but pointed out that he is a celebrity without substance. We know who Hillary is, but after all this time I still don't have a clue who Obama really is. ';Where's the beef?'; How about a straight answer obama? free of mideast oil in ten years? Without driiling and without nuclear? give me a break.
My goodness, an attractive Republican, gun toting, moose eating hunting, fishing, NRA supporting, don't take any liberal crap female has really intimidated you dems. You must foaming at the mouth. I know Hillary is. I can understand why you dems would be jealous of her good looks though. I mean look around at what follows you. Say goodbye to your take over attempt. I will give Obama about 28 % in November. We do appreciate the millions spent on Obama's campaign. Now that shows a dem effort to keep the economy moving.
Because he is a maverick or maybe just likes hanging around beautiful women - who knows - it is McCain where talking about - his probably forgotton why he nominated her already?
You answered your own question. He may be a maverick, but he's surely a hypocrite.
POLITICIANS do as I say not as I do!
McCain is not even sure of what he thinks, he says one thing and does another.
She has moral value and she knows what the real issues are.. unlike your stupid racist obama.

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