Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why does beauty matter so much to people?

Why does beauty matter so much to people. I've noticed that it not only matters in romantic encounters but even in the business world, and when meeting potential friends. Why does it matter so much to people? What is so great about beauty that makes everyone want it so much and everyone want other people to have it? I'm not really asking this the right way, but it's hard for me to figure out how to ask exactly what I'm trying to ask. Sorry.Why does beauty matter so much to people?
Because it makes people hate themselves and then where do they go? They go buy makeup, get plastic surgery, go buy products, buy anything to make themselves feel more desirable. It was all a scheme by some rich men to keep people buying stuff. That's my theory. In days long past, it didn't really matter what people looked like. Character mattered more. Nowadays, it's like you can't even get in the door unless you look like Halle Berry or Jessica Simpson. People have been brainwashed by the media and magazines and advertisements. It's only natural these days to have low self-esteem. Think how weird people would look at you if you were really not what is deemed ';attractive'; here and yet you walked around tall and proud. People would think you've lost your mind. We are taught here not to like ourselves. It's our culture. I hate it.. I utterly hate it. It's so dehumanizing and devaluing of everyone's true human potential. It puts worth on outward appearance which is a crime..because what really matters is what is between your ears and what's in your heart.

Good question and best of luck in figuring out answers to some difficult questions like these!Why does beauty matter so much to people?
First, in the business world its not about beauty, its about ';present ability.'; If you could never win a beauty pageant no matter who was the contestant you were against, you can still look presentable. In-style clothes and proper make up (women AND men if their facial blemishes are bad), not to mention a cologne or perfume that is not overpowering but still pleasant and a breath mint are all that is really required there.

As to beauty in your personal life: that has to do with human nature. Studies have come out, real studies, that show that if someone is beautiful, people simply cannot help but look. And the funny thing is, its not always skin deep beauty either. If you are supermodel gorgeous you will get looks: but it seems that a rather average looking person who still smiles a lot and exudes a pleasant, confident persona also gets plenty of looks.

And for some reason, I think it has to do with self-confidence, people with high self-esteem also tend to be considered ';beautiful'; at a skin-deep level. Reason being that someone who likes themself will take care of themself and have groomed themself nicely and dressed stylishly.

In other words, people simply like beauty, but beauty can be what you make it.
I guess that is how the brain works. Beauty stimulates some kind of chemical in the head that pleases us. It could be the stars in the cosmos or the way the sunset paints the horizon, whatever it is we like it. I've seen a lot of things in my life, nothing is as beautiful as a woman. In a perfect world only the insides of people would matter but as you can se this is no perfect world.
  • zits
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