Monday, December 14, 2009

Did your baby suck the beauty out of you?

I was just wondering if many of you broke out in acne when you were pregnant. I have heard of people who have. If so did you end up having a boy or a girl? I have heard that girls definitly suck the beauty out of you.Did your baby suck the beauty out of you?
Yeah, my skin was worse while I was pregnant. Back, chest, forehead, chin. I had a girl. Don't know if this is related or not. My sister had four boys, and she had bad acne on her cheeks during each of her pregnancies. Otherwise, she has beautiful skin!Did your baby suck the beauty out of you?
Um, me. I have had acne since I got pregnant. My baby is almost 9 months old now. Since I wanted to breastfeed, I had to take the mini birth control pill, which kept the acne around as a side effect. I am just now going to switch to the Yaz birth control, which is said to help clear up the skin. I am really looking forward to it! Also, I had a boy.
You mean 'Boys give beauty, Girls take it away'? The ol' wives tale?

When I was pregnant with my son, I got wide. Nothing really changed during the pregnancy. Once I started nursing, I started to lose my hair (but it grew back, whew!). With my daughter, I felt really good about myself. I'm nursing her as well, but my skin is way clearer then it has ever been. My hair is fuller then it has ever been %26amp; I feel even better about myself!
I don't have great skin anyway (I had ro-accutane several years ago) but my skin has definitely gotten worse through pregnancy!! I always have at least 4 spots on my face at the mo but my back?? I have never seen my back so spotty since I was 17!!

My only consolation is at least its my back thats a mess and not my face!!

Fingers crossed it will alll clear up afterwards! It had bloody better!!

PS - I didn't glow through my first pregnancy either and that one was a boy. This one looks like a girl.
Pregnancy causes acne in some people, and clears it up in others.

After birth some people have thicker hair (after the post-partum hair loss) and some have thinner. Curly hair can become straight, straight hair can become curly.

Mine is more wavy than it once was, but its never been really straight or really curly. During pregnancy and until my period comes back my acne is pretty much gone.
I have heard that girls suck the beauty out of you too. When I was about 10 weeks pregnant, I started breaking out all over my face and chest (dial antibacterial soap helped clear it up) and I felt really ugly. So, I thought for sure I was having a girl, but nope, I had a boy.
Well, that's a.... nice way of putting it.

I didn't really have any acne with my son while pregnant. Unfortunately I get it NOW but I think that's more due to my periods.

My SIL had a baby girl, though, and she didn't really get any acne while pregnant either.
I had acne for the first 3-4 months with both girls. Now I am pretty clear again. But I have noticed with Gracie (6 months pregnant now with) my eczema has gotten a bit worse. And my hair has no life. There sis still plenty of it, but it takes a long time to get it looking somewhat decent.
i broke out but it was on and off - someone asked me well i thought when you are pregnant you have a glow? and i said no you're mistaken the red shiny pimples for glow. my mother looked the same with all her kids- boy or girl. i didn't feel ugly. my fiance certainly was still attracted to me.

i had a boy, i did break out sometimes but my hair looked so shiny and healthy
Everyone always told me that I looked more pretty when I was pregnant. I had girls. (Two different pregnancies.)
I had acne, although not as bad as it was in my teens. I had a boy.
Well I never really had acne while pregnant...but I think after having my baby my face got rounder and I just look a bit different..not for the good!
LOL! I have really bad acne, and I have a girl as well!
Haha! I had back acne really bad!! I have a girl!
I had a boy and NO acne. Lukcy me lol
well no but 6 months post partem i look tired as hell in that sense my daughter has sucked it out of me, lol.

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