Monday, December 14, 2009

How to be a natural beauty?

I am an african american young woman and I just want tips on how to be a natural beauty no makeup, fake nail, false hair. I might add that my hair is really damaged, broken off, and short, and I wondering if dr. miracles is a good hair product. I just need tips on how to be natural and what products to use.How to be a natural beauty?
To be a natural beauty, you need to make sure to take care of yourself.

-have proper nutrition - nutrition is important because fruits, vegetables , healthy fats have plenty of antioxidents in them which can improve the look of your skin, eyes, hair, nails, etc. and keep your body trim : take a mutivitamin %26amp; fish oil capsule every day; eat plenty of fruits %26amp; vegetables; eat plenty of healthy fats; consume at least 8 cups of water per day; drink green tea; don't consume too much caffeine, alcohol, or sugar because they are not only not good for your organs but can diminish the glow of your skin

-have a beauty routine: wash your face every morning and night; moisturize every morning with a moisturizer that contains spf and every night with a night cream; exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells (mix 2 parts brown sugar w/ 1 part olive oil to make a natural scrub); brush your teeth with a whitening tooth paste (arm and hammer makes a really good one); use a clarifying shampoo on your hair once a week or so to reduce any buildup; use olive oil (or mayo or eggs) in your hair to help repair it

-exercise: you don't need to have a specific exercise routine, but by getting outside and moving for at least 30 min per day can really improve how you look .. it increases your blood flow and will help your skin glow. you don't need to go to the gym, you can just walk around the neighbourhood, jump rope, run stairs, go swimming, etc . you could also incorporate some light weights into your routine to help improve muscle tone (don't worry, you won't get bulky!)

what natural beauty comes down to is being healthy on the inside. treat your body like a temple and you will see results. if you're interested in improving your diet/exercise check out .. I use it's sister site and can say it has helped me immensely with being healthy. it's completely free and has tons of info on how to be healthyHow to be a natural beauty?
Ahh, join the club! :D Since you have really fragile hair I suggest that you don't wash no more then twice a week. Condition your hair daily so it can be soft and smooth.

Try to avoid putting heat on your hair such as blow dryers, curling iron, flat irons, etc..

Also, for acne, use a product that is for your skin type. Use a cleanser in the morning and at night every day. Moisturize after you cleanse. Also, use a scrub or an exfoliator at least twice a week to remove dead skin and have glowing skin. Don't use an exfoliator every day because it can irritate your skin.
I like the fact that you're a classy black women unlike most young black girls who wear weave, fake nails, a ton of make up, and colored contacts and write like this: HeY h0w R u D0In?
Haha people are born that way really, it's hard to make yourself like that. Just use a lot of moisturizers on your face, and leave olive oil in your hair overnight.
There is nothing you can do; either you naturally are beautiful, or you are not.

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