Monday, December 14, 2009

Is there any possibe way for you to get ride of beauty marks on my face?

Uh... I hate it! Its not a mole, though. It above my eyebrow and it really kinda bothers me. So is there any way?Is there any possibe way for you to get ride of beauty marks on my face?
plastic surgery, laser surgery..or you could just put cover up on it... coverup would probly be easierIs there any possibe way for you to get ride of beauty marks on my face?
its gonna kinda sound wierd but it works its an old laotion remedy. you get lemon grass use the edges to cut ur moes or beauty mark (not cut off just make little cutes) and put a little bit of bar soup with lime stone and a tiny bit of water.. do it for a few days to week and it'll go away and it wont leave any scars..
If you really want to remove it, you might want to look into laser surgery. Sometimes it can be dangerous--so ask your doctor fist.
laser surgery
lasers in a doctors office

simple with a local anasthetic.

30 minutes in and out

about $ 1000.oo

If it has a lot of hairs growing out of it you can pull them out with tweezers making sure the roots pull out each time. After about two to three years it wil have disappeared
Steak knife, vinegar and a pair of tweezers.


Or you could just get over it.

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