Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Should I get my hair done at a beauty school?

We have a beauty school in our town that has a DEC. special and I'm considering going. Every service is 10.00, wich is a great deal I see . But I'm worried that maybe I'm going %26amp; paying to have someone use my hair as their practice project! Should I go ahead and go or should I just spend more at a professional salon?Should I get my hair done at a beauty school?
It depends on what you're doing to your hair. A simple styling may not be too bad. But if its something more permanent i.e. color/cut/perm/etc... I'd reconsider. They make you sign a waiver if the student messes up, and I'm talking short of stabbing you in the head here.Should I get my hair done at a beauty school?
I do not recommend it. A lot can go wrong even with supervision. You are also at the mercy of the instructor as to whether they will fix the damage. Some will not.

If you should decide to go, ask up front if they fix mistakes before you let anyone touch your hair.

Good luck Report Abuse

only go to a beauty school if they are going to style your hair for like a special occassion. if you want a hair cut then go to an actual salon. Remember, if its for a trim or a cut then NO.
you never know, it's the luck of the draw walking into one of those places, you could get someone who is great-or someone that is going to drop out next week. I think solid color, styles, and any other non-permanent services are pretty safe. A pair of scissors and some bleach are tools that could cause some damage-I don't care if the teacher is watching! Most of them just make sure they get the idea of what to do. Maybe you should see if that girl can do it for you?
i went to cosmotology school and let me tell you ,,you get what you pay for.yes students do it but you should ask when the senior class practices and have them do it .they would probably do a better job
I would it will give em practice..

lots of luck and happy holidays
no they never do the beast job
Yes, i would go but always tell them you want a senoir to do your hair or someone who is about to graduate
The people at a beauty school have been trained, and they have instructors that watch them an apporve their work, and not to mention that if you are not satisfied they will fix your hair for free. I always get my hair done at a beauty school, and I have loved it each and every time. One time I went and got my hair done professionally, and they messed it up bad, so I have never done it since! It is safe, and if you are the least bit unsatisfied, the instructor (who is a trained professional) will fix the problem.
i say go, you might find a great hair dresser! but have a back-up plan
No way! unless you want to look like girl who is 2 cheap to spend more money look awsome!
Ask around if you know of someone that has had students cut their hair ask what their opinion is, but most importantly use your own judgement if you walk into the school and start having a bad feeling about it don't go through with it! Good Luck!
i say na
I don't find it a good idea because my best friend went to a beauty school and they totally wrecked her hair. But it's your choice. Good luck!
well, ask to preview their work if u like it go ahead, if not skrew them.
yea because they do i really good job i have been 2 a beauty school and got my hair and nails done they did a great job u should really consider it
Getting your hair cut at a cosmetology school isnt really as bad as it sounds. All of the services rendered in schools are performed by the students and it is considered practice, but they have been trained and taught how to do it. They also are supervised by licensed cosmetologists thru the whole process. Just tell them you would like an experienced student and they will give you somone who has done a lot of clients.
No! No! No! You get what you pay for. I cheaped out once and will never again. A bad hair cut lasts waaaay too long!
You get what you pay for when you choose to get your hair services done at a school. Yes, The prices are low but so is the techinical skills of the person that is doing your hair Go to a salon and pay the money and look good.
L no
You do it, but you麓ll get what you麓re paying for.

Don麓t expect so much.
idk thanx for the 2 pts!
Your taking your chances going to one,since it is a school and not a pro.I'm sure there's an instructor on hand to help out and make sure you get what you want,and its a great deal!If getting a cut i wouldn't go too short that way if your not satisfied you could always have it fixed!And if your that up in the air about it just go to wherever it is you usually go to get your hair done!Good Luck!
The answer to your question is yes, you will be used as a practice head. They have to learn on something or someone, but by the time they get to cutting real peoples hair not dummies they've had plenty of test to make sure they won't confuse a trim with a #2 on top and skin on the side! You'll be in good hands. I used them in my home town to do my hair for prom and a dye job. It will grow back!
it is a good deal if the people know what they are doing. you are taking a risk just due to the fact that they arent professionals yet. some students may be very good but you might get someone who still doesnt know what they are doing. you have to decide whether its worth the risk to get it done cheaper or if you just want to spend more money and know that you are going to get it done right.
I personally would not do this. I am licensed hairstylist and personally have survived beauty school. we didn't have a clue what we were doing and the instructors werent much better, dark hair is the hardest to add color too, because you first have to bleach it down the add the color. I would go professional, and at that ask that th stylist has at least 5 years of experience.
If you have money go to the salon. If not go to the beaut. sch. it's all up to u
I got highlights at a beauty school and they fried my hair. That was a year ago and I still can't get my hair healthy again. It was $30 cheaper...I would rather pay the extra 30 then to ever go back there again!!!!!!

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