Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why do we have a United ***** Collage Fund,And A Miss Black Beauty Pageant?

What do you think would happen if we had a United Caucsian Collage Fund,and a miss white beauty pageant?Why do we have a United ***** Collage Fund,And A Miss Black Beauty Pageant?
they would throw a fit, because of double standards.Why do we have a United ***** Collage Fund,And A Miss Black Beauty Pageant?
Great question! I concur. I think there shouldn't be a separation with races when it comes to things of that nature. I guess they do it to feel that they have something of their own. Some feel that caucasians have their hands in everything and try to take over.
Do they really spell it ';collage';?
Maybe because they aren't good enough for Miss America and others like that pageant.

Being white automatically puts us @ a disadvantage (thanx liberal scum). The blacks have all sorts of hand-outs (i.e. affirmative action) to help them It would be racist if whites had anything like that even though we are providing the crackheads- er, blacks with the opportunity!
Because if you have a United White College Fund, and a Miss White Beauty Pageant, they would YELL DISCRIMINATION.

Haven't you noticed this ???
Why Not? Do you a have a problem with that?
It sounds pretty prejudice to me.

We should have a Miss...pageant for all races to be fair.

Same goes for a college education!

But if we did, we would be prejudice!!! Double standard if you ask me!!!
Before we had UNC, %26amp; BP. WHite America turned a blind eye to the though of letting BA go to collage with WA. And They only looked at White woman as the beautiful American woman.
yup , there are the ones with the racist problem ,and you forgot the big one ,,,,,,,,Legislative Black Caucus
this was a country for whites and everybody else was supposed to be the burden barriers when those organizations were formed we couldnt win a beauty pagent and most scholastic monetary awards were to those who were white or did not need them to begin with
I've always felt that people from the Caucasus' have been underserved in our country. As for a Miss White Beauty Pageant, well the KKK has one every spring. Last year's winner actually had all her teeth!
Ok I am not trying to come off as predujice or anything. I just think that the Miss Black Beauty pagent thing is because they think they can not be taken seriously by whites. They think they will lose votes if they dont have equal amount of black judges. I think the United ***** College fund is good. because they will give it to someone who can not pay for college and is worthy of it.
i dont care what other may say,but,You do have a point.
then no black people win anything.And even though most people dont think this black people just about never have a chance.It like being the store.You see a white guy and dont think anything of it.But when a black person walks in you stare them down till they leave.Im black and i do that some times.I should be embarrased its just as bad as being prejudice.
people would call us racist.

the belief in society has been in the last 50 to 60 yrs that the black race has been at a disadvantage because of slavery back in the old days. its true that during slavery and even for many years afterwards, white peopl regarded african-americans as inferior, or second-class. unfortunatelt some ignorant people still chose to act that way, so some groups like to help them to try and offset the racism. i think the better thing to do would for all us not to judge based on color, but on attitude. a black man or black woman can go a long way in life with the right attitude. they must overcome racist pigs who try to hold them down.
I'm sure some people would be pissed. Its not right, and Its not about Equality, its never been about equality. It probably never will be. Its probably the white people's turn in the wheel of hatred now.

All I can say is that I'M not responsible to any person, for what my ancestors did to your ancestors. You cant choose where you come from, but you can choose where you go. I shouldn't be held responsible because my great grandfather was an ***. I know I'm a nice person, and you personally haven't suffered from anything that I did.
EXCELLENT QUESTIONS!!! I'm sure these institutions were started when things were much different...but in this day and age it appears to be reverse racism
There are many types of College funds and Beauty Pageants...what is your problem with these two?
They would just up %26amp; die. There would be such a fuss if White people did that. People let them do it so they can feel good about themselves. I think they should make a miss Caucasian pageant, and a United Caucasain Collage Fund. They would scream racisum, but if they do it they just call it pride in their haritage.
If there were a Caucasian Fund, etc we would be considered racist or discrimenating. Whatever, to each their own, to keep them happy.
Because blacks were deprived of education and were not allowed to have beauty pageants in the past.
it has something to do black people. They want to be respected and they feel that they are discriminated in many ways. That is why they want to have their own pageant and fund for their people.

That may be called black pride
because THE MAN held us down for so long?
Leftovers from the segregationist era. It is still (and should be) politically correct to embrace minorities.
Nothing would happen the USA is already ruled by the white politicians and the powerful people with money. Haven't you noticed the beauty pageants are already dominant with white women so where are you going with this? Yes, we do have a United ***** college fund and so what?
If Blacks were not such an underpriviledged minority then maybe they wouldn't need institutions to help promote their education and to assert their sentual appeal!

As for a White Beauty Pagents and College Funds take another look, there are plenty!

Some people have the delusion that things in this country have somehow changed but if you actually talked to Blacks who know things are acutally much worse than in the 60s! More than 50% of all Black Males living in the Urban sector are unemployed and ruoughly28% between 16 and 40 are in the corrections system, and that is the economics of racism!

Take two white actors who command a $40 mil. contract and you will have little difficulty getting a producer to underwrite a romance movie. Take the same script and put in Holly Berry and Densiel Washington and no Hollywood producer will touch it because the concensus is that white America can't cope and can't relate! Those facts where made clear in a PBS Documentary. And I do not mean to suggest that this is a Black discrimination problem only Asians have even more of a problem here and Hispanics are begining to realize the same. That suggest not mere racism but narcissium.

Oh and by the way there are Miss Litainos and Miss Asian Americans too!
HATER are we ? why do we have boy scouts and not people scouts wait why do we have clothes for the BIG %26amp; TALL - DISCRIMANATION RIGHT !
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