Monday, December 14, 2009

How Does Participation in a Beauty Contest?

Does participation in beauty contests quality a person for political leadership?

And in what ways?How Does Participation in a Beauty Contest?
Whether or not it did, it DID pay her way thru college. She didn't have to take a govt sponsored scholarship %26amp; waste tax payer money.How Does Participation in a Beauty Contest?
Why do liberals assume that every single thing someone mentions about their past is a claim to their qualifications for political leadership.

Nobody said that being in a beauty contest qualifies anyone for leadership, its just an interesting piece of info about someone who has other qualifications.

I'm an engineer. I'm qualified because I have an engineering degree. I also play baseball. But when I tell you that I'm an engineer who plays baseball, I'm not claiming that my baseball talent qualifies me for my engineering job, I'm just giving some additional info about my personal life. So when a politician mentions that they were once in a beauty contest as a teenager, why do you assume that they are trying to use it as a qualification for their political career?
She was a teenager then, for god's sake. If that's the standard, and a stupid one it is, then how does smoking crack and making racist jokes with your friends qualify a person for political leadership?

Obviously, both Palin and Obama have been doing a lot since high school and college, and maybe we should be looking at that instead.
It helped her get a job as a Television Sportscaster and learn to play well to a camera. It also taught her how to present herself well to the judges and show herself off to advantage. Reagan learned the same sorts of lessons as an actor. Those skills combined with good looks are a tremendous advantage in getting votes, and no one can be a political leader if they do not first get elected.
It shows her ability to...uhm...pose, I guess. Probably helped her pay for those 6 different colleges she attended, too.
she know how to wave and smile and ppl skills?lol it;s better than a community organizer right
Did someone say it did? I never heard that.

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