Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why do most articles about beauty advice treat women like we have the IQ of cement?

Just wondering. Almost every time I read this stuff, I learn nothing new or useful, then totally regret the waste of time. For example I'm peeved right now about the precious seconds of my life wasted on a Yahoo article about waxing legs that told me nothing I couldn't have learned by reading the instructions on the box of wax!Why do most articles about beauty advice treat women like we have the IQ of cement?
So true! I think Yahoo is the worst, though. They reel you in and once you click on the article, it is always a disappointment. I did that not too long ago on an article for keeping legs soft and pretty. It was ridiculous! It's always something really obvious. Another pet peeve of mine is when they talk a question/answer from Yahoo Answers and use it as a ';Featured'; article on the Yahoo homepage! That also happened the other day. They make it look like a standard article and when you click on it, you then realize it is just a q/a.Why do most articles about beauty advice treat women like we have the IQ of cement?

u are such a beauty snob!

maybe u already know everything about things regarding beauty

well guess what, so am i, so what do about it?

i help answer people's questions!




top of the beauty snobs
I know what you mean. Its gets you hooked then they just say ok you are reading this article and you gotta do this. yet its comon sense yet they think we got none yet the internet is powerful and you can find anything on here if you try hard enough. so they think we are not intelligent to research it ourselves.
Sometimes tips aren't listed on the box. I'm sure that baby powder doesn't have ';Rub into hair for a less greasy look'; printed in thin writing on the back. It's just a fun way to exchange tips on things like that. And plus if you don't like it, there are so many other topics to choose from. Not to sound rude. :]
i have noticed that too.

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